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How can the sealing strip play a thermal insulation effect?

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  • 发布时间:2019-12-09 17:27
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【概要描述】The sealing strip is the key to the sealing of doors and windows. At present, the quality of the sealing strips on the market varies greatly. High-quality sealing strips have strong toughness, high we

How can the sealing strip play a thermal insulation effect?

【概要描述】The sealing strip is the key to the sealing of doors and windows. At present, the quality of the sealing strips on the market varies greatly. High-quality sealing strips have strong toughness, high we

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-09 17:27
  • 访问量:
Good sealing is one of the indicators to measure the quality of doors and windows. Many people report that the causes of air leaks in the doors and windows of the home can be attributed to uneven profiles, aging seals, cracks between the frame and the wall, and aging hardware. In addition, the doors and windows have deviations in the initial measurement. If the size of the sash is too small to fit the window frame, it also lays a hidden danger for air leakage. Due to the leakage of the sealing tape, the corresponding sealing strip can be purchased according to the specifications and models of the doors and windows, and replaced by yourself.
The sealing strip is the key to the sealing of doors and windows. At present, the quality of the sealing strips on the market varies greatly. High-quality sealing strips have strong toughness, high wear resistance, and are not easy to break; while poor-quality sealing strips are very fragile, easily corroded and broken, and cannot achieve the sealing effect. If the seal is not installed properly, unevenness or bulging may cause air leakage. Generally speaking, the sealing strips of doors and windows have a certain useful life. Frequent opening and closing of windows and doors may cause the sealing strips to age in advance and need to be inspected and replaced in time.



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