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How to determine the quality of sealing tape

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  • 发布时间:2019-12-16 16:56
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【概要描述】The main properties of EPDM products are: non-toxic, environmentally friendly, aging and high temperature resistant, stable performance, and can maintain good performance in summer and winter.

How to determine the quality of sealing tape

【概要描述】The main properties of EPDM products are: non-toxic, environmentally friendly, aging and high temperature resistant, stable performance, and can maintain good performance in summer and winter.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-16 16:56
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The main properties of EPDM products are: non-toxic, environmentally friendly, aging and high temperature resistant, stable performance, and can maintain good performance in summer and winter.
1. Triple composite steel framework, not easy to deform and shrink, firm assembly and good sealing performance;
2. Sealing strips for doors, windows, and curtain walls. The products have good elasticity, resistance to migration, and can effectively block noise, dust and weather.
的 Performance and harm of inferior adhesive strips:
  1. There is a phenomenon of oil leakage on the surface. The waste engine oil applied to the rubber strip is not compatible with PVC at all. The surface of the sealing strip is prone to grease, and the surface of the profile is stained with yellow marks. Not even environmentally friendly, there are many volatile substances that pollute the air.
  2. After the so-called plasticizers volatilize or ooze out, the sealing strip will lose its original softness, become very hard, and quickly age and shrink, so that a large gap appears in the closed part of the door and window, and the tightness becomes Very poor (water leakage, dust leakage) Especially the steel linings in plastic steel doors and windows will quickly corrode. Many users often find that the red liquid flowing out of the bead parts inside the windows during the rainy season is very dirty. Early corrosion will greatly reduce the life of doors and windows.



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