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Characteristics and uses of mechanical equipment sealing strips

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-24 17:10
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【概要描述】Mechanical equipment sealing strips are mainly composed of foamed and densely compounded EPDM rubber with good elasticity and resistance to compression deformation, aging resistance, ozone, chemical a

Characteristics and uses of mechanical equipment sealing strips

【概要描述】Mechanical equipment sealing strips are mainly composed of foamed and densely compounded EPDM rubber with good elasticity and resistance to compression deformation, aging resistance, ozone, chemical a

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-24 17:10
  • 访问量:

Mechanical equipment sealing strips are mainly composed of foamed and densely compounded EPDM rubber with good elasticity and resistance to compression deformation, aging resistance, ozone, chemical action, and a wide range of operating temperatures, which contains unique metal clamps And tongue buckle, durable and easy to install. It is mainly used in door leaf frames, side windows, front and rear windshields, engine covers and trunk lids. It plays the role of waterproof, dustproof, sound insulation, temperature insulation, shock absorption and decoration. It has excellent anti-aging, high and low temperature resistance, and chemical resistance. It has good elasticity and compression resistance. It will not crack or deform for a long time. It can maintain its original temperature between -50 and 120 degrees. Some high sealing performance.






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