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Maintenance of seals

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-27 17:31
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【概要描述】for automobiles, the effect of the sealing strips is so great that we can avoid noise and rain, and timely maintenance is necessary. If aging occurs, it needs to be replaced in time.

Maintenance of seals

【概要描述】for automobiles, the effect of the sealing strips is so great that we can avoid noise and rain, and timely maintenance is necessary. If aging occurs, it needs to be replaced in time.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-27 17:31
  • 访问量:

Sometimes the car has been driving for a long time, and you can hear creaking sounds after passing through the speed reduction belt, and occasionally there is wind noise, it feels like the door is not closed tightly. Then you have to check the seal at this time. The sealing strip can improve air tightness. Once the sealing strip is aged and damaged, it will cause rain in the compartment, increase the wind noise of the car, and the leakage will easily rust the car body. Therefore, for automobiles, the effect of the sealing strips is so great that we can avoid noise and rain, and timely maintenance is necessary. If aging occurs, it needs to be replaced in time.





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