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Characteristics of EPDM round hollow seal

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  • 发布时间:2020-01-10 17:17
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【概要描述】Characteristics of EPDM round hollow seal

Characteristics of EPDM round hollow seal

【概要描述】Characteristics of EPDM round hollow seal

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-01-10 17:17
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1. EPDM has excellent weather resistance, weather resistance refers to the ability to resist long-term cold, hot, dry and humid, has excellent corrosion resistance to rain and snow, and can completely extend the use of rubber strips. life;
2. Heat aging resistance means strong air aging resistance. It can be used at 100-120 ℃ for a long time, and it can maintain effective physical properties at 140-150 ℃ for a long period of time. It can withstand high temperature of 230-260 ℃ for a short time. To the time-delay effect; coupled with the use of a special formula, the EPDM rubber has a similar feel at -50 ° C to 150 ° C, which has created a highly efficient work performance for production site installation
3. Because EPDM has excellent ozone resistance, it is also known as "crack-free rubber", especially when it is applied to various urban buildings with different atmospheric indexes and completely exposed to the air, it will show its products. Superiority
4, anti-ultraviolet radiation, to provide high-rise building residents to protect the environment; can withstand the voltage of 60 ~ 150KV, corona resistance, resistance to electric cracks, arc resistance, is also very good. Low temperature elasticity, the temperature when the tensile capacity reaches 100MPa is -58.8 ℃.
5.Because of its excellent physical and mechanical properties, it is often used in the manufacture of aircraft, cars, trains, passenger cars, ships, high and low voltage switch cabinets, glass curtain walls, aluminum alloy heat insulation window sealing parts and diving products, high pressure steam hoses. , Tunnels, overhead bridges and other waterproof parts and other industrial and agricultural sealing parts.



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