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Characteristics of composite seals

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  • 发布时间:2020-02-02 20:50
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【概要描述】Characteristics of composite seals

Characteristics of composite seals

【概要描述】Characteristics of composite seals

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-02-02 20:50
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1. Aging resistance. He's sealing strip has excellent weather resistance, ozone resistance, heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance, water vapor resistance, color stability, electrical properties, oil repellency and fluidity at room temperature. It can be used for a long time at 120 ℃, and it can be used briefly or intermittently at 150-200 ℃. Under the conditions of ozone concentration of 50pphm and stretching of 30%, it can be cracked for more than 150 hours.
2. Corrosion resistance. EPDM seals have good resistance to various polar chemicals such as alcohols, acids, alkalis, oxidants, refrigerants, detergents, animal and vegetable oils, ketones, and fats.
3. Water vapor resistance. He's EPDM sealing strip C has excellent water vapor resistance and is estimated to be superior to its heat resistance. In 230 ℃ superheated steam, there is no change in appearance after nearly 100 hours
4. Resistance to overheating water. Ethylene-propylene rubber is also resistant to superheated water. After soaking in 125 ℃ superheated water for 15 months, the mechanical properties change little, and the volume expansion rate is only 0.3%.
5. Good flexibility. EPDM sealing strip has good elasticity and elongation rate



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