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Wooden door rubber strip

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-03 17:44
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【概要描述】Wooden door seals play a key role in wooden doors, security doors, sliding doors, various doors and windows.

Wooden door rubber strip

【概要描述】Wooden door seals play a key role in wooden doors, security doors, sliding doors, various doors and windows.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-03 17:44
  • 访问量:

Wooden door seals play a key role in wooden doors, security doors, sliding doors, various doors and windows. The most obvious is sound insulation and shock resistance. After installing it on the door stop line, it reduces (or even disappears) the collision sound when closing the door (window), which protects the edge of the door leaf and extends the life of the door and reduces noise. The second is sealing, damping, and isolating indoor and outdoor air, which effectively plays a role of heat preservation and energy saving, and will prevent small insects such as mosquitoes from getting into the room. Slotted sealing strip is a slot in the door frame to install the sealing strip. This slotted seal makes the sealing strip embedded in the groove difficult to fall off and easy to install.





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