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Car trim

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-23 17:43
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【概要描述】The car decoration strip is made of polyvinyl chloride material. The decorative effect is processed according to the different colors of the soft film. It has strong weather resistance and never chang

Car trim

【概要描述】The car decoration strip is made of polyvinyl chloride material. The decorative effect is processed according to the different colors of the soft film. It has strong weather resistance and never chang

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-23 17:43
  • 访问量:
The car decoration strip is made of polyvinyl chloride material. The decorative effect is processed according to the different colors of the soft film. It has strong weather resistance and never changes color. After scratching, it can be as bright as new after lightly sanding with fine sandpaper.
The body guard strips used on the car increase the aesthetics of the side of the body, and are highly consistent with the arc of the body, which is durable and not deformed. At the same time, it provides effective protection for the body paint that is easy to bump when the door is opened and closed.



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