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Rubber doors and windows for building

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  • 发布时间:2020-03-28 17:21
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【概要描述】Rubber doors and windows for building

Rubber doors and windows for building

【概要描述】Rubber doors and windows for building

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-28 17:21
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First, the role of door and window seals
The main functions are dustproof, insect-proof, waterproof, soundproof, and sealed. Plastic steel door and window seals on the market are generally made of PVC, modified PVC, EPDM, elastomeric seals (including TPV, TPE, TPR, SEBS), silicone and other materials. And also has sound insulation, anti-freezing, warmth and other functions. Plastic steel door and window sealing strips have good elasticity, strong telescopic ability, high temperature resistance, and long service life.
It must have strong tensile strength, good elasticity, and also need good temperature resistance and aging resistance.
How to use door and window seals
Window sealing strips play an important role in waterproofing, sealing, and energy saving in plastic steel doors and windows and aluminum bridges and windows with broken bridges, and are soundproof, dustproof, antifreeze, and warm. In order to ensure the tightness of the rubber strip and the profile, the cross-section structure size of the rubber strip must match the plastic steel door and window profile.



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