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Rubber foam sealing strip characteristics

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  • 发布时间:2020-04-02 17:33
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【概要描述】Rubber foam sealing strip characteristics

Rubber foam sealing strip characteristics

【概要描述】Rubber foam sealing strip characteristics

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-04-02 17:33
  • 访问量:
1) Use leading thermoplastic rubber TPE or nitrile rubber and chlorosulfonated polyethylene in combination;
2) Ozone resistance, UV-rotation resistance, good chemical resistance, wide temperature range (-60 ° C to 135 ° C);
3) It has strong resistance to tearing and tearing. The temperature range is between -10 ℃ -150 ℃, and it will not break after millions of flexures.
4) The original shape is quickly restored after compression, and it can maintain its original flexibility even under harsh environments;
5) Environmentally friendly rubber-plastic composite rubber, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and pollution-free. Because EPDM sealing strip lacks polarity and low unsaturation, it is relatively resistant to various polar chemicals such as alcohols, acids, alkalis, oxidants, refrigerants, detergents, animal and vegetable oils, ketones, and fats. Good resistance; but poor stability in aliphatic and aromatic solvents (such as gasoline, benzene, etc.) and mineral oil. The function is also reduced under the long-term effect of concentrated acid. In ISO / TO7620, nearly 400 kinds of materials with corrosive gaseous and liquid chemicals on various rubber functional effects are collected, and the levels of 1-4 are specified to indicate the degree of effect, and the impact of corrosive chemicals on rubber functions.



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