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Automotive seal introduction

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-21 17:03
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【概要描述】Automobile sealing strip is one of the important parts of automobiles. It is widely used in doors, windows, body, seat car seat covers, sunroofs, engine compartments and trunks.

Automotive seal introduction

【概要描述】Automobile sealing strip is one of the important parts of automobiles. It is widely used in doors, windows, body, seat car seat covers, sunroofs, engine compartments and trunks.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-21 17:03
  • 访问量:
Automobile sealing strip is one of the important parts of automobiles. It is widely used in doors, windows, body, seat car seat covers, sunroofs, engine compartments and trunks. It is waterproof, sealed, soundproof, dustproof and antifreeze. The important role of shock absorption, warmth and energy saving. It must have strong tensile strength, good elasticity, and better temperature resistance and aging resistance. In order to ensure the fastening of the strip and the profile, the cross-sectional structure of the strip must match the profile.
Automobile sealing strips are commonly used in automobile front and rear windshields, doors, windows, launching cabins, trunks and other body parts to fill the gap between body parts, with shock absorption, waterproof, dustproof, soundproofing, decoration and other functions. Personnel and the whole vehicle play a maintenance role.



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