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The role of wooden door seals

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  • 发布时间:2019-11-23 17:21
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【概要描述】In fact, most wooden doors now have a sealing strip. Although we can't see it in normal times, it always plays its role silently. In fact, the role of the sealing strip is still very large.

The role of wooden door seals

【概要描述】In fact, most wooden doors now have a sealing strip. Although we can't see it in normal times, it always plays its role silently. In fact, the role of the sealing strip is still very large.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-23 17:21
  • 访问量:
People often complain that the wooden doors in the house are always not tight, and the wind is ringing. Others are easy to wash in the bathroom, and people outside are also very clear, so there will always be some embarrassment. In fact, as long as the insider knows it, this is because the wooden door seal of your home is not good enough. The main function of the wooden door sealing strip is to reduce the door closing sound when the door leaf is in contact with the door frame, reduce the dust entering the door and prolong the life of the protective paint. Secondly, the function of the wooden door sealing strip is shockproof. After installing the sealing strip on the door retaining line, it can alleviate (or even disappear) the collision sound when closing the door, which protects the edge of the wooden door and prolongs the life of the wooden door and reduces the life. noise. Therefore, the sealing strip of the wooden door still has a great effect.
In fact, most wooden doors now have a sealing strip. Although we can't see it in normal times, it always plays its role silently. In fact, the role of the sealing strip is still very large.



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