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Type of wooden door seal

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-26 17:33
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【概要描述】At the same time, it has good corrosion resistance, can be used for many years, doors and windows do not open for many years, and when it is finally opened again, it will not affect its most fundament

Type of wooden door seal

【概要描述】At the same time, it has good corrosion resistance, can be used for many years, doors and windows do not open for many years, and when it is finally opened again, it will not affect its most fundament

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-26 17:33
  • 访问量:
Now more families like to use wooden doors. When using wooden doors, they also use special sealing tape. What kind of performance characteristics does this professional wooden door tape have? First of all, it has a self-adhesive type. Performance, so that when it is used, it has a great firmness.
Such sealing tapes are often made of EPDM rubber using a special process, and this is its biggest advantage, so when used, it can show strong weather resistance, spring and summer No matter what time of autumn and winter, it can also show strong performance, and it will not affect its service life due to temperature difference.
At the same time, it has good corrosion resistance, can be used for many years, doors and windows do not open for many years, and when it is finally opened again, it will not affect its most fundamental stability. At the same time, this kind of special sealing tape for wooden doors When in use, it can still have strong stretchability. It has been found through actual tests that it can reach a tensile performance of 200%, which can be used in high and cold areas.



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