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Is the silicone strip resistant to corrosion?

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  • 发布时间:2019-11-27 17:21
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【概要描述】Silicone strip is a kind of product that seals a thing. The sealing strip makes it not easy to open. It has the effect of damping, waterproofing, sound insulation, heat insulation, dustproofing, fixin

Is the silicone strip resistant to corrosion?

【概要描述】Silicone strip is a kind of product that seals a thing. The sealing strip makes it not easy to open. It has the effect of damping, waterproofing, sound insulation, heat insulation, dustproofing, fixin

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-27 17:21
  • 访问量:
Silicone strip is a kind of product that seals a thing. The sealing strip makes it not easy to open. It has the effect of damping, waterproofing, sound insulation, heat insulation, dustproofing, fixing, etc. The sealing strip is rubber, paper, metal. , Plastic, various materials.
Corrosion is firstly that when the internal materials are facing oxidation, they can not have good resistance to the outside, or there is air inside, and there is a good touch effect with the outside, so the impurities in the outside air enter Into the material, so it will eventually be corroded.
However, in the process of using the seal, no matter what kind of environment it is in, it can still adhere to its original function. This is in addition to other materials that use rubber, and it is also making At the same time, it also used the antioxidant composition skills. Because of this, it has a strong anti-aging function.



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