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Seals protect cars

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-13 17:10
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【概要描述】There is a great need for the use of automotive sealing strips, whether it is on the window or the door. There is a certain gap between the window and the door. If this gap is not filled, not only wil

Seals protect cars

【概要描述】There is a great need for the use of automotive sealing strips, whether it is on the window or the door. There is a certain gap between the window and the door. If this gap is not filled, not only wil

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-13 17:10
  • 访问量:
There is a great need for the use of automotive sealing strips, whether it is on the window or the door. There is a certain gap between the window and the door. If this gap is not filled, not only will it Let the outside air and noise form a certain pollution to the body and when it shakes, it will form a lot of noise.
If the sealing strip is used, it has a very good effect. It can have a good sealing effect on the body. The most important thing is that it is made of rubber or other soft materials, so it can be used between the door and the window. The gap is filled so that when the car is walking, it will not make a lot of noise due to vibration.



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