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Product characteristics of epdm seals

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  • 发布时间:2019-12-17 17:04
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【概要描述】epdm sealing strip is mainly used in plastic decorative windows and doors, aluminum alloy doors and windows, wooden doors and windows and other architectural decorative doors and windows. Plastic stee

Product characteristics of epdm seals

【概要描述】epdm sealing strip is mainly used in plastic decorative windows and doors, aluminum alloy doors and windows, wooden doors and windows and other architectural decorative doors and windows. Plastic stee

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-12-17 17:04
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Epdm sealing strip is mainly used in plastic decorative windows and doors, aluminum alloy doors and windows, wooden doors and windows and other architectural decorative doors and windows. Plastic steel door and window seals on the market are generally formed by extrusion of PVC, modified PVC, EPDM, elastomeric seals (including TPV, TPE, TPR, SEBS), silicone and other materials. The sealing strip is a very important part in doors and windows. It can not only ensure the watertightness of doors and windows, but also reduce sound insulation, and it can also be protected by external forces. However, due to the phenomenon of aging, shrinkage or deformation caused by ordinary sunlight, we need to check it regularly.
Can process any section size, hardness, density, color can be customized according to requirements, uniform foaming, stable quality, meet import standards, shock absorption, buffering, heat insulation, sealing, filling, flame retardant, insulation, edge protection, etc. Because it is different from traditional rubber seals, it is convenient to store, easy to install, and reduces labor intensity. With immediate project progress, construction costs can be reduced. The appearance of this product is beautiful, and the product level of the progressive box car is used to make it more competitive in the market.



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