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Characteristics of sponge seals

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  • 发布时间:2020-01-04 17:39
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【概要描述】First of all, as a packaging material, this kind of sealing strip has good resistance and softness, is very simple, and does not add any weight to the transportation of the product.

Characteristics of sponge seals

【概要描述】First of all, as a packaging material, this kind of sealing strip has good resistance and softness, is very simple, and does not add any weight to the transportation of the product.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-01-04 17:39
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First of all, as a packaging material, this kind of sealing strip has good resistance and softness, is very simple, and does not add any weight to the transportation of the product. There are many types of packaging materials, but rubber sponge foam sealing strips are mainly used. Rubber foam foam sealing strips are a kind of sealing strip made by microwave vulcanization process. Divided into EPDM foamed foam seals, silicone foamed foam seals, PU foamed foam seals. Foam sponge foam sealing strips are formed by microwave vulcanization technique at one time, and the surface is smooth, beautiful and free of traces. It has excellent elasticity and resistance to shrinkage deformation and aging resistance. Flame retardant, low smoke; stable product function, high standard accuracy.





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