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Installation and use of building doors and windows

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-02 20:45
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【概要描述】Therefore, the sealing strip is a functional accessory that cannot be ignored in the energy-saving standards of doors and windows, and its performance and service life should attract our attention.

Installation and use of building doors and windows

【概要描述】Therefore, the sealing strip is a functional accessory that cannot be ignored in the energy-saving standards of doors and windows, and its performance and service life should attract our attention.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2020-03-02 20:45
  • 访问量:

The sealing strips all need sealing rubber strips to achieve the closed sealing between the profile and the glass, and between the fan and the frame. The sealing strip plays a role of fixing glass in the use of doors and windows, buffering vibration and blocking water and air flow. The thermal insulation performance and air-tightness performance of doors and windows have a significant impact on the energy conservation and consumption reduction of buildings. The heat loss of doors and windows with poor sealing is 5-6 times that of wall. The energy-saving efficiency of doors, windows and curtain walls accounts for about 37-40% of building energy efficiency. Therefore, the sealing strip is a functional accessory that cannot be ignored in the energy-saving standards of doors and windows, and its performance and service life should attract our attention.





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