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Corrosion resistance of silicone seals

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  • 发布时间:2020-03-10 17:30
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【概要描述】but the sealing strip does not have this phenomenon. It is precisely because the silicone strip has a strong anti-corrosion function. In fact, in addition to some external environment from the outside

Corrosion resistance of silicone seals

【概要描述】but the sealing strip does not have this phenomenon. It is precisely because the silicone strip has a strong anti-corrosion function. In fact, in addition to some external environment from the outside

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-10 17:30
  • 访问量:
Since the 1980s, Rubber Sealstrip has been applied to various operations such as cars, doors and windows, cabinets, refrigerators, and containers. According to the requirements of different operations, special car seals, mechanical seals, and door and window seals have been developed. And other products. It is mainly used in door door leaf frames, surrounding windows, front and rear windshields, engine covers and trunk covers, which have the effects of waterproofing, dustproofing, sound insulation, temperature insulation, shock absorption, and decoration. It is also possible to produce rubber hinges for luggage doors of equipment buses. Together with the formula planning, EPDM rubber sealing strip has superior anti-aging, high and low temperature resistance and chemical resistance. It has excellent elasticity and resistance to shrinkage and deformation. -50 degrees to 120 degrees can adhere to its original high seal. The resumes in the section planning of the rubber strip and the system inductive planning ensure outstanding waterproof, dustproof, soundproof, temperature-isolating, and shock-absorbing effects. The sealing strip equipment is convenient and sturdy, and the movable door switch is simple.
In practice, no matter what it is, it is often difficult to escape the end of the corrosion. It is because of corrosion that the life of the item is often greatly reduced in the future, especially if one thing feels like When it is not moving, it often shows the phenomenon of corrosion, but the sealing strip does not have this phenomenon. It is precisely because the silicone strip has a strong anti-corrosion function. In fact, in addition to some external environment from the outside itself, corrosion also There is a lot of connection with its planning.



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