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The role and characteristics of sponge foam sealing tape

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  • 发布时间:2020-03-13 17:25
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【概要描述】The role and characteristics of sponge foam sealing tape

The role and characteristics of sponge foam sealing tape

【概要描述】The role and characteristics of sponge foam sealing tape

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-13 17:25
  • 访问量:

Sponge foam sealing strips are usually divided into two. One is EPDM rubber foaming foam sealing strips, and the other is silicone rubber low temperature resistant rubber foaming foam sealing strips. The price of the two is also distinguished. Large, there are some differences between the two major points, such as EPDM rubber sponge seals, as usual, there are more colors and black colors, low temperature resistance of 120 degrees, good aging resistance, tear resistance and corrosion strengths Many customers choose such rubber foam sealing strips, especially the price, which is also a relatively suitable. The other is the silicone rubber foam sponge sealing strip whose strength is low temperature resistance and can reach a low temperature request of 280 degrees. The usual color of silicone rubber is red and red.





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