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Advantages of foam seals

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  • 发布时间:2020-03-20 17:50
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【概要描述】Advantages of foam seals

Advantages of foam seals

【概要描述】Advantages of foam seals

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-20 17:50
  • 访问量:
Foam sealing strips are made of four different materials with excellent sealing effect. It can maintain excellent elasticity even in cold climates, solving the problem of sealing performance caused by high and low temperature changes. Its superior thermal insulation and energy saving performance can reduce heat loss by 10% to 15%. Choosing PU foam sealing strips for Shangpin True Colors has taken another leap forward in terms of thermal insulation and quiet performance, which will provide consumers with a warmer, more comfortable and quieter home.
Wooden doors focus on art and more on health. In addition to the strict environmental requirements of paints and adhesives, they are meticulous in detail. The PU foam sealing strip does not react with all paints and cleaning agents, is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, and meets the requirements of the original quality to create a healthy living environment.
Foam sealing strips have passed the strict type inspection of 11 major items of the national fixed fire extinguishing system and the refractory component quality supervision and inspection center. They have a 20-fold expansion ratio, which is much higher than ordinary sealing strips, which makes Shangpin's natural wooden doors have better fire resistance. Born for art, Shangpin is attached to all beautiful things. The unique V-shaped design of PU foam sealing strip realizes dynamic sealing, an artistic atmosphere in the home environment, and your home will be more beautiful than others.
The choice of PU foam sealing strip is a combination of quality and quality, which will definitely create a higher quality of life for consumers.



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