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Vehicle seal

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  • 发布时间:2020-03-30 17:36
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【概要描述】Vehicle seal

Vehicle seal

【概要描述】Vehicle seal

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-30 17:36
  • 访问量:
The sealing function of a car is an important goal to measure the quality of a car. The quality of the car sealing strip determines the quality of the car sealing function. The car sealing strip is widely used around the glass including the rear windshield.
And on the trunk lid, there are also engine compartments, doors, and other parts, which can fill the open space between cars, reduce the noise effect, waterproof, moisture-proof, shock absorption and other effects, it has played a role on the people and the vehicle Good protection.
However, even the best automotive sealing tape has a limit on the length of its life. In the process of use, it must be protected in time to extend its service life. Once the sealing strip is aging, it will cause the car to reduce the shock absorption effect, increase tire noise, and leak Ventilation and other adverse consequences bring danger to the lives and property of car owners and passengers, so it is necessary to do maintenance work in time during normal use.



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