High-polymerization resin cross-linked blended modified elastomer material
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- 发布时间:2020-03-31 17:39
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【概要描述】High-polymerization resin cross-linked blended modified elastomer material
High-polymerization resin cross-linked blended modified elastomer material
【概要描述】High-polymerization resin cross-linked blended modified elastomer material
- 分类:行业新闻
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- 发布时间:2020-03-31 17:39
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The biggest feature is that it does not require a vulcanization process, but uses a thermoplastic molding method to process, which can greatly shorten the molding cycle, and waste can be recycled and reused, which is conducive to saving capital and energy. It is a promising material. Can be used as a substitute for vulcanized rubber. The modified PVC sealing strip has good resistance to compression and permanent deformation. It is considered by the National Building Association to replace EPDM as a weather strip and weather strip for doors and windows. Its performance is the same as TPV, but the raw material formulation used is different. At present, the sales price is slightly lower than TPV. For customers, it is an inexpensive product, and the doors and windows can be upgraded without increasing the cost. With high market promotion value, it has become the material of choice for middle and high-end door and window manufacturing enterprises and export products.
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