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How to install anti-theft door seal

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  • 发布时间:2020-04-06 17:36
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【概要描述】How to install anti-theft door seal

How to install anti-theft door seal

【概要描述】How to install anti-theft door seal

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-04-06 17:36
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Anti-theft door and window seals can be glued with AB glue, rubber glue, 801 super glue, QIS-3003 special strong adhesive, etc.
1. First clean the surface to be pasted to make it clean, smooth, smooth and dry;
2. Measure the height of the door and window, according to this height, cut off the anti-theft door and window seal with scissors;
3. Remove a small piece of backing protective paper, install the anti-theft door and window sealing strip in the correct position and press it tightly, as far as possible to align with the top edge;
4. Continuously peel off the posted protective paper, so that the anti-theft door and window sealing strips extend down the frame, and keep pressing tightly, pay attention not to stretch;
5. Use the same steps to install the horizontal anti-theft door and window seals, pay attention to the corner joints, and there should be no gaps between the joints



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