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What kind of door and window seals are energy-saving seals?

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  • 发布时间:2020-04-10 17:02
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【概要描述】What kind of door and window seals are energy-saving seals?

What kind of door and window seals are energy-saving seals?

【概要描述】What kind of door and window seals are energy-saving seals?

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-04-10 17:02
  • 访问量:

The door and window sealing strip is made of PE outer covering film, high resilience PU foam as the main raw material, and contains the PP skeleton. Therefore, the sealing strip has a compression variation of less than 10%, which ensures the sealing of the door and window. PE outer coating increases the service life of the product to a large extent. Not only the color is rich and gorgeous, but also more choices. The PP skeleton in this material also has a very good fixing effect on the product, which can be effective after successful installation To prevent product shrinkage. The door and window seals have good environmental protection, non-toxic sealing, and ordinary seals have no long service life. After a systematic research and testing, it is found that the performance of the coated seals has a low discount rate in long-term use. Play the effect of long-term sealing of doors and windows. Not only is it beautiful, but also has the characteristics of aging resistance, compression resistance, water intrusion resistance, etc. At the same time, it also has very good performance in energy saving, environmental protection, noise reduction, UV resistance, etc., which can effectively solve the long-term use of doors and windows, deformation and sinking. The problem of reduced tightness.





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