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Push window seal strip application

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  • 发布时间:2019-06-10 09:38
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Push window seal strip application


  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-06-10 09:38
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Sealing material

Generally, the sliding window is sealed with wool strip, while the flat window is sealed with rubber strip.The use of wool seal than the use of rubber seal leakproof, leakproof performance is much worse.Add a piece of wool top, better quality than traditional wool top, but still not as good as rubber strip.On the one hand, because the structure of the installation parts of the two kinds of sealing strip is obviously different, the sealing ability of the wool strip is not as good as that of the rubber strip. On the other hand, it is because of the material and structure of the main body of the two kinds of sealing strip.Air tight clearance is small enough, and water tight requirements no clearance.

Push and pull window seal strip all use rubber seal.The traditional sliding window sealing strip is generally made of wool, mainly because the rump of the open fan and the sealing strip slides and friction when the sliding window is opened.The sliding friction between the top and the open fan is less than that between the rubber strip and the open fan.In order to reduce the opening force, the use of wool seal, also reduce the performance of the sliding window.When the open fan of the sliding window slides with the rubber strip seal strip, the surface of the rubber strip can be smoothed to reduce the friction.Or use a similar window seal.When closed, the open fan is in close contact with the seal strip to seal.When opened, the two separate without friction.

Under the premise of ensuring the form of rubber strip section, reduce the hardness of rubber strip as far as possible, reduce the opening and closing force.Also increase the amount of rubber strip pressing, to make up for machining error defects and their own profile deformation, enhance sealing.


Continuous sealing and sealing effect can be good.Due to structural reasons, it is easy to form a continuous sealing channel.And the push-pull window structure is more complex, the sealing path is not easy to continuous.Do not think method is solved continuously not easily, shrink back from difficulties, consequently, cause push-pull window to be inferior to make the same score to open window performance good result.What's more, some manufacturers of push-pull window products seal strip did not work, in name only, such products are still provided to users, this is an infringement of users' legitimate rights and interests, users are extremely irresponsible, more impact on the reputation of push-pull window products.



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