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Door and window seals purchase

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  • 发布时间:2019-09-29 15:56
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【概要描述】Door and window seals purchase

Door and window seals purchase

【概要描述】Door and window seals purchase

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-09-29 15:56
  • 访问量:
The door and window sealing strip can seal the door and window to prevent the door and window from leaking into the water, and at the same time play the role of thermal insulation. Today we will take a closer look at the door and window seals.
Carefully observe whether the surface of the strip is flat. The good strip should be free of impurities, no bubbles, delicate and soft to the touch.
Whether it will break by hand stretching, whether it can be quickly restored to its original shape after bending, the high-filled soft PVC strip has poor strength, the stretching will break, and the bending will crack.
If there is any smell, the odor will be relatively large when the product is delivered. After a period of time, the sealing strip will become hard and brittle, easily cracked, aged and lose its sealing effect.



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