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Maintenance of car seals

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  • 发布时间:2019-11-02 16:18
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【概要描述】Maintenance of car seals

Maintenance of car seals

【概要描述】Maintenance of car seals

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-02 16:18
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It is well known that the sealing strip of a car is sealed by its colloidal properties. If the sealing strip is exposed to the sun for a long time and is cold, it is prone to aging and cracking. The sealing property may be greatly reduced, which not only affects the interior environment and sound insulation effect, but also causes water leakage and water seepage in severe cases.
How to maintain the car sunroof strip after the rain? Auto beauty experts pointed out that as the vehicle's use time increases, the sealing strip at the joint of the body will gradually age. For example, the joint between the A-pillar and the front windshield will become the weak link of the key care of the rain. First, the sand or leaves adhering to the sunroof seal should be cleaned to check whether the sealant strip is deformed or notched to prevent rainwater from seeping into the skylight and causing water leakage inside the car. The second is to lubricate the sunroof rails. Rainwater may dilute the lubricating oil on the rails. If you do not pay attention to them for a long time, it will cause insufficient lubrication of the rails and affect the tightness of the closing.
The maintenance of the door is mainly for the maintenance of the door seal, and a rubber seal is required around the door. The sealing strip improves air tightness and prevents wind and rain from entering the compartment. Once the door seal is aged and damaged, it will cause the cabin to leak, increase the driving wind noise of the car, and the rain will easily corrode the body. It is not difficult to see that the seal is an important part for the car and must be regularly inspected.
The daily maintenance work of the sealing strip mainly includes the following items. The first is to use a car detergent to clean, after cleaning, a layer of high permeability protective agent is applied to prevent the rubber seal from aging. In addition to this, the gap between the seal strips is easily filled with dust and rust. To this end, the dust should be removed with a brush. For the hard-top car, the sealing of the window glass and the body is completely dependent on the sealing strip. If the sealing strip is aged and deformed, it is easy to leak in the compartment. For this reason, if the weather is like rain, it is best to apply a layer of plastic protectant. If this maintenance can be carried out regularly, the sealing of the sealing strip can be greatly improved.



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