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Sealing strip life

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  • 发布时间:2019-11-13 17:20
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【概要描述】No matter what material is used, it has its own life, then how long is the service life of the sealing strip?

Sealing strip life

【概要描述】No matter what material is used, it has its own life, then how long is the service life of the sealing strip?

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-13 17:20
  • 访问量:
No matter what material is used, it has its own life, then how long is the service life of the sealing strip? If it is a general EPDM, it can reach a service life of more than ten years, and during use, There is no need to consider different harsh environments such as high temperature and low temperature, and it will still have strong performance under long-term wear and tear, and this is its biggest advantage.
Of course, this is just a normal sealing strip. If a better performance sealing strip is chosen, they generally add better anti-aging materials, so they can reach a longer service life when they are used.
And because it is faced with many different environments during the process of use, it is generally chosen to use rubber, that is, a variety of rubber synthesis methods, precisely because of the use of such things, so that the seal can finally be achieved Long service life, longer lifespan of dozens of applications and no performance degradation.



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