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Foam sealing strip characteristics

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-18 17:22
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【概要描述】Rubber foam seal color: red, white, gray, black and other large colors can be customized.

Foam sealing strip characteristics

【概要描述】Rubber foam seal color: red, white, gray, black and other large colors can be customized.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-18 17:22
  • 访问量:
Foamed rubber seals are used in automotive, aerospace, computer, machine electronics, dust collector construction, dust collector construction, cement plant cover, mine construction, door seals, fax machines, high temperature parts in printers; automotive machine body Inside, kitchen appliances, home appliances, etc. Rubber foam seal color: red, white, gray, black and other large colors can be customized.
Foam rubber sealing strip function features:
1. Environmental protection, good insulation, high temperature resistance, small shrinkage, and strong resilience;
2. The surface is flat and the foaming density is balanced;
3. Acid and alkali resistant, anti-aging, non-toxic;
4. The superior upper layer is not sticky and has good air permeability;
5.100% high quality silica gel material, in line with environmental protection requirements.
6. The self-adhesive tape can be self-adhesive and has better sealing.



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