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Door and window seals have excellent sound insulation

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  • 发布时间:2020-03-01 19:51
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【概要描述】And there is a special sound-absorbing cotton inside, which can effectively absorb the noise leaked into the room by the movable window, and has more sound insulation performance than ordinary sealing

Door and window seals have excellent sound insulation

【概要描述】And there is a special sound-absorbing cotton inside, which can effectively absorb the noise leaked into the room by the movable window, and has more sound insulation performance than ordinary sealing

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2020-03-01 19:51
  • 访问量:

Door and window sealing strips have excellent high and low temperature resistance, and still retain the original strength and elasticity at -40 ° C to 90 ° C. The original sealing performance is maintained. Deformability, so the sealing contact surface can be made larger, which can effectively block the wind and dust and noise from the movable window part. And there is a special sound-absorbing cotton inside, which can effectively absorb the noise leaked into the room by the movable window, and has more sound insulation performance than ordinary sealing tape, which can improve the sound insulation performance of doors and windows 35%. There is no substitute for silence.





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