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Why choose EPDM sealing strip

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-08 17:26
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【概要描述】Whether it is on the production or on the material, it is relatively cheap, so it can finally achieve economical use.

Why choose EPDM sealing strip

【概要描述】Whether it is on the production or on the material, it is relatively cheap, so it can finally achieve economical use.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-08 17:26
  • 访问量:
As far as the use of the sealing strip is concerned, the best one is the EPDM sealing strip, because it can not only show superior performance, but also exhibit strong economical performance. The seals of such materials are often also used in the process of foaming, so whether it is made on the top or on the material, it is relatively cheap, so the economics of use can be achieved.
Of course, its performance is also reflected in its double-sided imported high-quality tape, so in the end not only increased its service life, but also showed good sealing performance, then like this EPDM seal Under what circumstances is the strip used? The first is that it can be applied to the door and window, showing good sound insulation and temperature insulation performance.
Because there is a large area of ​​use on the windows and doors of the home, pay attention to its economical performance in addition to these properties, and this kind of sealing strip is the best choice, it is installed, also It doesn't have much technology, because it comes with its own glue. After opening it, it can be directly pasted, but the surface to be pasted must be smooth and clean, just because it is very simple to install. Loved by many users.



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