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Where do I need a weather strip for my car?

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-09 17:16
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【概要描述】Relatively speaking, now a complete car must have the use of sealing strips. Only in this way can the performance of the car truly meet the requirements of the user, so now it is regarded as the most

Where do I need a weather strip for my car?

【概要描述】Relatively speaking, now a complete car must have the use of sealing strips. Only in this way can the performance of the car truly meet the requirements of the user, so now it is regarded as the most

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-09 17:16
  • 访问量:
Relatively speaking, now a complete car must have the use of sealing strips. Only in this way can the performance of the car truly meet the requirements of the user, so now it is regarded as the most in automobile manufacturing. The parts that are essential to nature are actually used in the body.
For example, in the front and rear windshield of the car, these must also use the sealing strip. In addition, it must be used on the door window. If there is no seal, it will not let the air inside the car and The environment is well maintained, and it also shows the biggest disadvantage. The most important point is that it can also play the role of shock absorption, not only in the car, but also in the trunk and the department that changes the machine. Also use it.
Special modification of the use of the machine compartment not only allows it to get a good environmental protection, but most importantly, the external wind sand can not enter it, it can play a good performance in shockproof, dustproof, soundproof, and so on. This kind of performance can not be replaced by other materials, which not only creates a good environmental space for the body, but also provides excellent protection and maintenance for the entire car.



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