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Advantages and applications of silicone rubber door and window seals

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  • 发布时间:2019-11-14 17:23
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【概要描述】The development of the building door and window industry has led to the replacement of the sealing strip. From the era of the original natural rubber sealing strip to the modern silicone rubber sealin

Advantages and applications of silicone rubber door and window seals

【概要描述】The development of the building door and window industry has led to the replacement of the sealing strip. From the era of the original natural rubber sealing strip to the modern silicone rubber sealin

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-14 17:23
  • 访问量:
The sealing strip is one of the important components of the building door and window. It closes between the profile and the glass and the frame and the fan through the contact pressure generated by the elasticity of the lip cavity flange and the like in the body structure. Internal and external media (rain, air, sand, etc.) leak or invade, prevent mechanical vibration, shock and damage, thus functioning as sealing, sound insulation, heat insulation and insulation, and obtain excellent waterproof and heat preservation for energy-saving building doors and windows. Sound insulation, sealing and other performances play an important role, so the door and window seals are the key to energy-saving doors and windows.
As the key material of energy-saving doors and windows, the sealing strip plays an important role in watertightness, airtightness and energy saving in the doors and windows. As a revolutionary sealing product, silicone rubber sealing strips provide a perfect seal for energy-efficient doors and windows, with unparalleled performance advantages. High-temperature vulcanized silicone rubber has excellent performance, mainly: 1. Excellent cold resistance and heat resistance 2. Excellent weathering resistance 3. Good elasticity and resilience 4. Safe and environmentally friendly 5. Good gas permeability, with Selective air permeability 6, smooth surface, various colors
The development of the building door and window industry has led to the replacement of the sealing strip. From the era of the original natural rubber sealing strip to the modern silicone rubber sealing strip, the role of the sealing strip in the door and window fittings has become more apparent.



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