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How to solve car noise?

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-16 17:23
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【概要描述】In fact, in addition to the engine, in addition to the engine, there is also a large body noise generated during the walking of the vehicle. The same sealing strip can also solve the harsh noise.

How to solve car noise?

【概要描述】In fact, in addition to the engine, in addition to the engine, there is also a large body noise generated during the walking of the vehicle. The same sealing strip can also solve the harsh noise.

  • 分类:行业新闻
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  • 发布时间:2019-11-16 17:23
  • 访问量:
In life, we don't like noise, but for a moving vehicle, the noise does exist from time to time, because in the whole process, the vehicle will have a lot of air flow and the sound of the engine, etc. This is what we call Noise, so now soundproof seals have appeared, it has a good sound insulation effect, can certainly reduce the noise of the vehicle.
This is a special material that can be well isolated from the sound outside the car, so when we are sitting in the car, we don't feel much noise, and in addition to sound insulation, It plays a very good damping effect, and the engine itself will have a lot of vibration. After installing the sealing strip, the vibration will be less obvious.
In fact, in addition to the engine, in addition to the engine, there is also a large body noise generated during the walking of the vehicle. The same sealing strip can also solve the harsh noise.



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